Favoritism is probably something that you have encountered in your life at one point or another whether it be from a parent, grandparent or other individual. Kids in particular seem to pick up on the small things such as one grandparent paying more attention to another grandchild or esteeming them more highly for whatever reason. It is NOT ok to treat or love one grandchild more because they look a certain way or are a certain color. Believe it or not racial preference in some families is very real, they may view one child as more beautiful due to his or her skin tone or features. Having a mixed race family I know exactly how that feels, in fact my children see and feel it as well. I live my life biting my tongue because I just want to keep the peace but deep down it tears my heart to shreds. It's NOT jealousy it's a desire for equality, a need to not have to explain to my children why they feel the way they do. You're probably thinking that I should stand up and say something but the truth is I can't, because the moment I do I will regret it. Why you ask, my reasoning is that people have a way of flipping the situation and making you look like the bad guy. The sad truth is that it destroys relationships and pushes people away. I learned how to keep my ears down and tolerate, I limit visits and stay at bay as much as possible. I will continue to love my mixed babies and husband no matter who or what looks down on us because to me I don't see color I see perfection. I look upon my girls faces and I see a well painted canvas a work of art but more importantly I see blessings. If you are also going through something similar whether it be due to race or not don't let it bring you down, hold your head up high and be proud of what you got. Smile in the face of adversity and keep walking!
Please note that this post is a personal share and is to be used as encouragement to someone else who may be going through the same dilemma and does not apply to all grandparents or individuals.