Friday, December 25, 2015

Books in a box countdown to Christmas Day 25

Christmas is finally here! We are spending it in NY with the in-laws and they do gifts after dinner, not what the girls want to hear, lol. We only got to read 1 of the 2 books because they were way to excited and couldn't sit still. They got "Fancy Nancy Splendiferous Christmas" by Nancy O'Connor and "Santa Kid" by James patterson which we did not get a chance to read. The kids and I love the Fancy Nancy books so adding this one to our collection was a must! Plus we get to learn a French word or 2 every time we read one. We really enjoyed our "Books in a box countdown to Christmas"  idea, it really was fun! Next year I will probably do it again, although I think I might have to buy some more book shelves to put all the books on.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, love & hugs from The Victory Test.

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