Friday, December 4, 2015

Sock Snowmen

Today we decided to make our very own sock snowmen. Instead of using socks I used a undershirt my husband had for over 4 years and still had never worn. There are 5 members in my family so I prepared five "sock" tubes, below you see some illustrations on how I did it. It's much easier to just use socks but I didn't have any white ones laying around and didn't feel like running to the dollar store either. We used glue guns because they dry the quickest but you can try craft glue.

                                            Finished Product:

If you have a sewing machine use it as it will make it much easier, 
it took me about 20 minutes to sew all 5 tube "socks".

I personally used pillow stuffing I already had.

You can also just cut off the access after tying off the head and use fabric or baby socks to make the hat. Use buttons and embellishments to decorate your snowman. We used a permanent marker to make our faces and the kids drew on their snowmen also.

                              Once finished we named them, lol.

 My husband made this one.

  My very artistic 8 year old daughter Jaden surprised us all 
with this little cutie. 

My 14 year old Juliana is into super hero's so naturally 
she would make a snow hero ; ) Very creative!

He is my little guy simple but cute : )

The is Victory's snow girl, made with my help 
of course. It wasn't the easiest to make due to the hazard 
of the glue gun, but she loves her girl. See her pic below!

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